
This is about improving our drawing experiences, and hopefully have something to build on and expand our critiques. If you have a drawing you want to talk about, you should be able to post pictures and comments. If you have difficulty, just email me! Should be fun! Thanks!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Small Turnip Heads

Been having so much trouble scaling heads lately - took these 2 home, scrubbed heads off, made new heads - I like a complete drawing if I have the page covered - and I found that I exaggerated the foreshortening on the blue one which makes for an interesting design, and I like some parts of green one enough that the head doesn't distract me too much.

Catching Up on Drawings

I finally decided there was enough about this drawing that was worth looking at for awhile - not in love with it but something about the format maybe - lots of stuff wrong with it - you can see 'em, I don't have to tell ya!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10-25-2011 Warts & Beauty Marks

 I consider this one a wart mostly because I did not complete this drawing in the way I wanted to. I just ran out of time - which is rather different for me and I'm not sure why. It was the first drawing of the night, and I wasn't quite in the groove yet - but I love this pose! She has such an angular body and sometimes creates such interesting spaces in her poses. This one has that repeating negative space shape that is so interesting. And her shoulders were pronounced in the v-shape which I didn't fully attain - but this one I may work on to see if I can finish it without the model - I like the pose so much. That usually doesn't work for me, but the focus will be good IF I can do it.
This is not fully a beauty mark either, I did not scale the figure well enough on the page to be able to include that extended right foot - it would balance the design, and complete the drawing, and contain the viewer's interest more. Oh well - some days it just doesn't flow - that's okay - it's part of the process.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Second - the Beauty Mark

This one I like much better even though I did not place her on the page as well as I had planned. I forgot she had fingers and could have made room for that seeing that there is unnecessary color stuff at the bottom. But there is a comfortable sense of weight, developed not just through the outside edges, but through a build up of light and dark shapes in the appropriate places. I could have left off the shadows cast by the handle bar, but there was something that interested me about them. Not perfect, but not stiff.
What do you think?

First - the Wart

OOPS! I deleted this one from the album and killed it - also I deleted it from my computer, and painted over the paper! Didn't realize it's LINKED!!!

 Oh well, you can imagine how unhappy I was with it!

As you can see, it's not always beautiful. This one suffers from trying to cram too much too quickly on the page without really mentally scaling it out first. First, I try to place my figures within a boundary - you can see the marks on the outside edges of the paper and I try to use all the paper. Then I try to find the center of the "design" - this can be more than just the figure, but the surroundings as well sometimes.  When I struggle with placement on the paper, I often just take my hand (no drawing tools) and sort of sketch it out on the page so I can get a sense of where things should go, or imagine where they should go. I didn't do that here, just jumped in without thinking and squished things, and broadened things, and shortened things, and made somethings bigger than they should be and thus we have a rather stiff, odd-looking drawing. But it was the first pose of the evening, and I'm like most folks, I have to warm up. Most of the time, the later ones get better. (Thankfully!) Next the Beauty Mark!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tuesday Night

This first drawing was a pain in the butt, from my end (ha!ha!) it looked like a sacrifice on a rock. It was difficult to convince myself that what I was seeing was what I was seeing. So I drew what I thought I saw even though I wasn't sure. Just from an enjoyment point of view, I cannot say I liked this, but it is good practice to step out of that comfort zone. It kind of forces you to really look and stop your personal shorthand even if it's not "successful" - whatever that is.

The second drawing is more pleasing to look at, more accurate, more "normal". My hubby commented that the light line from the hip down the leg looked funny and I got my dander up. But I mused on this and have been looking at this, and he's right - dang it! The line is too different from the rest of the drawing, both in value and texture, plus it doesn't really define the leg accurately, AND it drags your eye off of the page (to the guys next to you!) I might fix this later.

Okay - your turn - - - -