
This is about improving our drawing experiences, and hopefully have something to build on and expand our critiques. If you have a drawing you want to talk about, you should be able to post pictures and comments. If you have difficulty, just email me! Should be fun! Thanks!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tuesday Night

This first drawing was a pain in the butt, from my end (ha!ha!) it looked like a sacrifice on a rock. It was difficult to convince myself that what I was seeing was what I was seeing. So I drew what I thought I saw even though I wasn't sure. Just from an enjoyment point of view, I cannot say I liked this, but it is good practice to step out of that comfort zone. It kind of forces you to really look and stop your personal shorthand even if it's not "successful" - whatever that is.

The second drawing is more pleasing to look at, more accurate, more "normal". My hubby commented that the light line from the hip down the leg looked funny and I got my dander up. But I mused on this and have been looking at this, and he's right - dang it! The line is too different from the rest of the drawing, both in value and texture, plus it doesn't really define the leg accurately, AND it drags your eye off of the page (to the guys next to you!) I might fix this later.

Okay - your turn - - - -


  1. I can't see the photos! That makes sense since I seem to have a problem with seeing!

  2. Let me repost just the pictures, and see if I fixed it? Pics will follow this post....


It's Your Turn