
This is about improving our drawing experiences, and hopefully have something to build on and expand our critiques. If you have a drawing you want to talk about, you should be able to post pictures and comments. If you have difficulty, just email me! Should be fun! Thanks!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I showed up but that was about it. This drawing is peculiar to me because I pushed the foreshortening so strongly with the legs, then the hand, and finally the breasts and head. I wouldn't call this a beautiful drawing, but it is kind of "interesting".

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

7-11-12 Drawing #2

I think the color/texture of the paper, and this particular model, lends a sense of another era. I feel good about this one the best.

7-11-12 Drawing

What started out as one of  "those" nights turned out better than it started. I'm still looking at some areas and debating whether or not to do something about them - specifically where the torso meets the pelvis. And I had that little triangular shape which is his leg on the other side that was lighted. So in drawing what I'm seeing, this little hole was created. I felt I had to knock back the light so it would not dominate the whole design. Funny how one little thing you can obsess about!