
This is about improving our drawing experiences, and hopefully have something to build on and expand our critiques. If you have a drawing you want to talk about, you should be able to post pictures and comments. If you have difficulty, just email me! Should be fun! Thanks!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Life Drawing #4 of 3-12-13

This one done on gessoed paper which gives it a little tooth. Pastels are NuPastel and Schminke. And I strengthened the colors but still my favorite palette.


  1. whoa! this one has got it going on!
    love the palatte, the saturation, the overall shape of the pose and the vagueness of the back!

    great night you had!
    she will model for our "assisted crit" next week too.

  2. Yeah, and I purposely set the pose on the paper with the back edged off - I like the "design" of it. It would not have the same effect if it was "complete".


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