
This is about improving our drawing experiences, and hopefully have something to build on and expand our critiques. If you have a drawing you want to talk about, you should be able to post pictures and comments. If you have difficulty, just email me! Should be fun! Thanks!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Extended poses 12-3-13

The same process, this one is more successful.

Extended time poses 12-3-13

I set an intention this week to do a major shapes block-in of just 2 values, shadow and light, as the underpainting. I used non-fleshtone colors for this step: a purple and a yellow. After being more or less satisfied with the arrangement, I went back over with a light and dark fleshtone, hoping not obliterate the underpainting completely and to keep an "unfinished" look. This one is a little overworked, the next one is better.