
This is about improving our drawing experiences, and hopefully have something to build on and expand our critiques. If you have a drawing you want to talk about, you should be able to post pictures and comments. If you have difficulty, just email me! Should be fun! Thanks!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Whew! My favorite of the evening

I like these kind of poses where there an up planes and down planes, things stretched out and things bunched up, light playing with the subtle shadows - like a puzzle - fun to work with!
So the muse visited me last night, I hope I can entertain her for a while!

Whew - the second!

Like this one! Has a nice painterly feel to it.

Whew, I feel better

This was the first of the 3 long drawings, and I felt like I had a good start. Seems like I can feel a different energy happening when the gestures go right. Of course I went back to standing and working in my more typical larger scale format and I can see the design better. The next one I like better.

Friday, April 6, 2012

4-3-12 New model another

This is my old comfort zone - I needed to get back to that after wandering into other techniques - just to make me feel better!

4-3-12 New model

Believe me, I did not abstract this that much, there was so much going on in this landscape-figure, I could not figure it out - so I just drew the shapes and rendered the color.

3-27-12 Another

Still working . . .

3-27-12 Great model!

I'm trying to work in a smaller format - just trying to jiggle something (ANYTHING!) loose in my creative approach. And I dislike standing poses for the same reason I dislike laying down poses - static - standing poses are just vertical laying poses (heehee!) So I truncated my drawing to the area that interested me the most.